Monday 23 April 2012


Kim Chee Kim, supports his golf addiction by importing cheap high volume merchandise. If you can't find an item....then it hasn't been made!  But Kim's real passion is Golf!...and he possesses every high tech gadget on the planet. If not searching his laptop for tips, or applying pink gel to make his balls more visable...then he's smoking. Look for the nicotine cloud that follows him around as he frantically tries to find the fairway. Kim could play a round in daylight hours, if he didn't stop to take pictures on every hole. Problem is, he can't take a pic to save his life, and many are missing one comman element...FACES! Usually, his tele-photo lens will capture a private moment, like his playing partner Hank relieving himself.........or worse!
                                       © OUT OF BOUNDS 2012


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